Monday, August 20, 2012

Unbelievable. If someone’s got a way to get huge without ‘roids, I want to know about it.

Sagi Kalev says he knows how.

What is Body Beast?

      Body Beast™ is a new, innovative, comprehensive bodybuilding system
proven to add 10 pounds of muscle in just 90 days. Created by Sagi Kalev,
world-renowned trainer and former two-time Mr. Israel, Body Beast combines
extreme workouts, groundbreaking nutrition, and scientifically advanced
supplementation. Whether you’re new to lifting weights or are a certified gym
rat, Body Beast will deliver results beyond what you imagined possible.
  • Body Beast includes 12 different cutting-edge workouts that fuse the best of old-school resistance training with a new breakthrough in sports science called Dynamic Set Training™.
  • Increases in resistance, power, tempo, and volume lead to greater muscle gain and fast results.
  • The Body Beast Eating Plan helps you increase in size, maintain new muscle growth, and cut up to be in competition shape.
  • Four new extreme supplements specifically designed to enhance growth and performance.  

       Body Beast is the first training regimen designed to get BIG results in the
comfort of your home. You don’t need to join a gym, hire a spotter, or have
an Olympic weight lifting set. With dumbbells, the correct nutrition, and the
desire to work hard, Body Beast will help you pack on lean muscle, without
the complications and risks of steroids or growth hormones. And the best
part is, Sagi Kalev will motivate and inspire you, as he has done for countless
professional bodybuilders over the last few decades.

This is Sagi Kalev. I suspect he knows something about fitness. Just a guess.

Why is Body Beast so effective?
        One word:  Testosterone.  
It’s the primary hormone your body
calls upon to develop muscle mass, and
Dynamic Set Training is designed around
enhancing your production of it. The more
testosterone your body makes, the faster
you get big. With Body Beast, different
training strategies are employed—from
Prefatigue Sets to Drop, Force, and Tempo
Sets—creating greater time under tension
and a faster and more effective workout.

Ok, but what makes Body Beast unique?
       The three phases. Body Beast has
three specially designed phases, with
corresponding nutrition phases, to help you
Build, Bulk, and become a Beast. Build, the
first phase, focuses on creating a strong
foundation physically and nutritionally,
while getting your head in the game for
Phase 2. Bulk, the second phase, is where
size begins to show and your body really
begins to change. And Beast, the final
phase, is where you cut up, get chiseled,
and get ready for competition. In just
90 days, you truly can become a Beast.

Why Body Beast instead of a gym?
  • You’ll get huge at a fraction of the cost of a gym membership.
  • You’re not just working your muscles, you get an in-depth bodybuilding education that you can use long after you’ve completed the program.
  • The Body Beast Eating Plan shows you a healthy, delicious way to eat that will help you build muscle fast—and maintain that muscle for the long haul.
  • The plan also shows you how to supplement the safe, effective, and legal way.
  • You have access to your Team Beachbody® Coach’s expert advice, as well as that of Sagi and the rest of Beachbody’s educated fitness and nutrition staff, via chats, the Message Boards, and newsletters. It’s a vastly better way to get your questions answered than asking some random loudmouthed gym rat that’ll just quote some blog post. (Hey, I write a blog!!!!)

Look, this program is chock full of all sorts of bonus's and freebies, and its an education and a transformation all for under $100. You can't beat that, not with the Beachbody guarantee. I'm not partial to crazy bulk, but I could stand to add a few pounds. If you're Beast enough to keep up, or brave enough to out beast me, hit me up. 

I'll also be doing the occasional workout from other programs such as RevAbs or P90X or Insanity, and if that's where you wanna go I've got your back. Next post you'll see is gonna be about this new Beast, me. 

Now go sweat some more. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Decide, Commit, Succeed. Beachbody.

Perseverance is the ONLY thing separating you from the 98% of people who AREN'T happy with themselves. Decide that today is the day you change. Commit to a Beachbody Challenge. Succeed; reach your goals and surpass them.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The science of tasty, tasty health.
1. First of all, how much weight do you want to lose?
2. What type of diets have you tried in the past?
3. How do you feel those diets have worked out for you?
4. We have been so busy doing phone/email interviews to figure out who is really serious about losing weight, because there is a lot of work on our part to help you lose weight. Its not just you going on another fad diet. This is Guanteed to work for you. We need clients who are absolutely serious about losing weight. So how serious are you about losing weight?
5. What is the main reason you have for wanting to lose weight?
Great! You're still here! Let me explain exactly how Shakeology works, because its an extremely effective weight control program. There is one working mechanism here: the shake mix. Shakeology's blend of ingredients (the most diverse and effective on earth) are targeted towards quality health and providing your body with vital nutrients.
You see, making sure your body has exactly what it needs to do its job is how Shakeology succeeds where other products fail. How can your body hunger when it has all the tools it needs to run effectively and efficiently? See a break down of ingredients and effects here. (I'm no scientist lol)
So, even if you tend to eat out of stress, depression, or boredom, or you might be a binge eater- instead of eating three cookies should eat the whole bag- or you might be a nibbler who picks at food all day long, or if you're just a plain out-of-control eater, it will help you normalize your appetite. Best part? The f***ing taste! Its best competitor (as far as effectiveness and price go) tastes like industrial wall cleaner. And, get this: the average weight lost is the clients' target goal. I don't know, but all I know is, Shakeology is hands down the last nutritional supplement I ever needed.