Sunday, July 8, 2012

Decide, Commit, Succeed. Beachbody.

Perseverance is the ONLY thing separating you from the 98% of people who AREN'T happy with themselves. Decide that today is the day you change. Commit to a Beachbody Challenge. Succeed; reach your goals and surpass them.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

p90x first day rage.. :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The science of tasty, tasty health.
1. First of all, how much weight do you want to lose?
2. What type of diets have you tried in the past?
3. How do you feel those diets have worked out for you?
4. We have been so busy doing phone/email interviews to figure out who is really serious about losing weight, because there is a lot of work on our part to help you lose weight. Its not just you going on another fad diet. This is Guanteed to work for you. We need clients who are absolutely serious about losing weight. So how serious are you about losing weight?
5. What is the main reason you have for wanting to lose weight?
Great! You're still here! Let me explain exactly how Shakeology works, because its an extremely effective weight control program. There is one working mechanism here: the shake mix. Shakeology's blend of ingredients (the most diverse and effective on earth) are targeted towards quality health and providing your body with vital nutrients.
You see, making sure your body has exactly what it needs to do its job is how Shakeology succeeds where other products fail. How can your body hunger when it has all the tools it needs to run effectively and efficiently? See a break down of ingredients and effects here. (I'm no scientist lol)
So, even if you tend to eat out of stress, depression, or boredom, or you might be a binge eater- instead of eating three cookies should eat the whole bag- or you might be a nibbler who picks at food all day long, or if you're just a plain out-of-control eater, it will help you normalize your appetite. Best part? The f***ing taste! Its best competitor (as far as effectiveness and price go) tastes like industrial wall cleaner. And, get this: the average weight lost is the clients' target goal. I don't know, but all I know is, Shakeology is hands down the last nutritional supplement I ever needed.

Reboot your body to its optimal condition.

FARGO – On Day One of her 10-day “Master Cleanse,” my sister emailed me: “The cat food actually smells edible.”
By Day Five she was dreaming about food and planning her first post-cleanse meal (salmon with rice pilaf).
As a test of self-discipline, she made it through the detox on nothing but Master Cleanse “lemonade.”
The concoction consists of filtered water, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, lemons and sea salt.
(I took two sips of the liquid, and there’s no way I could drink it for 10 days, let alone for one day.)
My sister was taking in only 800-900 calories a day, almost entirely from the syrup.
When Kimberly Ough of Fargo tried a similar cleanse, she felt like she was starving herself.
“I remember licking the maple syrup out of the jar,” the 32-year-old said.
Men and women try juice diets, cleanses and detox programs in hopes of “purifying” their bodies, gaining energy or losing weight.
It’s bottoms up in the name of releasing toxins, though Sanford Health dietitian Kathy Olson said there’s no way to measure whether that actually occurs.
“There’s really no research to support that they’re beneficial,” Olson said. “In fact, there’s research showing that they aren’t.”
My sister (whose goal wasn’t to lose weight) said when people use the Master Cleanse as a crash diet they tend to regain the weight immediately, “since it is, after all, extreme deprivation.”
Besides, Olson said, fast weight loss may reflect water weight instead of actual body mass.
Yet she said people continue to try this or that new cleanse, or they create their own using bits and pieces from different programs and advice from others.
Olson said the word “cleanse” is misleading. “It’s just a new buzz term for restricting what a person’s consuming,” she said.
'It’s a commitment'
Ough, herself a Beachbody “coach” since 2009, will finish the 21-day Beachbody Ultimate Reset tomorrow.
Unlike the three-day program she attempted 10 years ago, the three-phase Reset is a “no-starvation cleanse.”
While taking supplements, you slowly eliminate red meat and dairy the first week. In week two, you transition to a vegetarian, then a completely vegan diet.
Fitness instructor Katie Seier said on Day 10 of the Reset that the biggest benefit has been learning to work through her emotions instead of eating them.
“During this cleanse you have to focus on emotions and why they’re happening and why they’re making you ‘hungry,’ ” said the 20-year-old Minot State University senior.
Seier, also a Beachbody coach, said she felt satisfied but missed working out. You’re not supposed to exercise on the program.
Ough said your body’s going through such an “internal workout,” the company’s creators don’t want you to tax your muscles while you’re doing it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Success is easy: 3 steps to Insane Abs

Steps to success:

Here's an image I thought might get you going, fitness freaks:

Sorry I've been gone so long. Parts of the site are still down, please be patient until I get them up. I'm much better at helping people sculpt bodies than blog administration :-P

Let's get those insane abs, people, LETS GO!
This is it in a nutshell, I gave up. Look, it happens to me, too. But I'm back. Those of you committed to the Asylum with me, see you on the inside.